Sunday, May 1, 2011

After 10 years Obama did it!!!!! Osama is DEAD!!!!

Sooooooo while I was watching Celebrity Apprentice, there was a prompter stating that Obama was going to make a statement.  I knew it had to be something, first it was on a Sunday night, second he already talked about that darn birth certificate and what did we hear........

After 10 years, our President (MY PRESIDENT) Barack Obama announced that Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!!!!! Our president has been in the White House for 2 years and still accomplished more that Bush did in 8 years which was absolutely nothing, but causes thousands to die, and trillions of dollars of debt.  I am happy to say that I am an American, and Obama is my president.  I'm pretty sure there will be some negative things to say about how it happened, but they stated they will get him DEAD or Alive.  

More details once the President speaks.........

SN: Please stop thinking the gas prices are going down, more jobs will come, and a higher pay increase, because we have alot more work to do. Lets Pray to our Lord and Savior that nothing major happens over here again like 9/11.  And we continue to support our president as he try to improve our sitaution. But he can not do it alone WE have to help. May the Lord bless him and his family through this major situation. 

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