Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fantasia had an abortion....omg

Can it get any worse......
Yesterday afternoon, Fantasia had to take the stand during Antwaun Cook’s divorce proceedings in North Carolina and according to RadarOnline.com, she confessed that she was pregnant by Antwaun during the time of her suicide attempt. It was revealed that she eventually aborted the baby. She also confessed that her relationship with Antwuan was “off and on” for about 11 months, however, she believed he was separated from his wife during that time. Meanwhile, his wife’s lawyer, argued that Fantasia and Antwaun checked into a hotel together a few days after meeting each other because she knew she couldn’t go back to his home because of his wife.

Fantasia is currently being sued by Antwaun’s wife for Alienation of Affection which is a law in North Carolina that allows an abandoned spouse to file a lawsuit against the party responsible for the failure of their marriage

I will be so glad when Mrs. Cook let this situation go, at this point it just seem like she is trying to get some money, she probably wants to divorce Antwan but she is trying to get paid.  If she watched Fantasia's show and I know she is, it clearly shows that her husband is still trying to make a mends with Fantasia.  I wish I was the judge, because I would ask her.....Lets be real Mrs. Cook, tell me the truth, you just trying to get paid?

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